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Alara Block

Magic Singles » Alara Block

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(2008) Shards of Alara

Shards_of_alara Shards of Alara isn't just one new world for Magic: The Gathering, it's FIVE! Each shard of Alara is missing two colors of mana, and thousands of years of evolution have led to five divergent societies that are completely unaware of each other's existence. Bant is a land of knights and castles, ruled by angels. Esper is a world where everything is measured and controlled, and artifice touches everything alive. Grixis is a hellscape of death and decay, where everything is either undead or dying. Jund is a primordial world where dragons sit at the top of a vicious food chain. Naya is a lush jungle world where Behemoths are worshipped as gods. These five diverse worlds will all share the same fate. Shards of Alara heralds the return of planeswalker cards, and introduces the first multicolored planeswalkers. Each of the five shards of Alara has its own game play themes, and its own stable of artists. Shards of Alara introduces the new keyword mechanics exalted, devour, and unearth, and features the debut of a new rarity for Magic: The Gathering: Mythic Rare. Shards of Alara is the first set in the Shards of Alara block. It is a 249 card expansion with randomly inserted premium cards. It will be available in booster packs, intro packs, and fat packs. Release Date: October 2008

(2009) Conflux

Conflux Conflux heralds a tumultuous new environment in which all five shards of Alara begin to overlap and collide. While displaced vampires comb the skies of Jund, Bant Knights engage Naya Behemoths in deadly battle. Mayhem runs rampant. As a player in the midst of this bedlam, you can use basic landcycling and domain to make this anarchy work for you, and focus it on obliterating your opponents. Conflux is the second set in the Shards of Alara block. It is a 145 card expansion with randomly inserted premium cards. It will be available in booster packs, intro packs, and fat packs. Release Date: February 2009

(2009) Alara Reborn

Alara_reborn Alara Reborn is solid gold -- the first-ever 100% multicolored Magic: The Gathering set. But there’s more to this set than bling. The new mechanic cascade allows you to fire off two spells for the price of one! The surprises don’t end there: Multicolored equipment appears for the first time, and a new twist on cycling will help you dig for the right answers to dangerous new threats! Alara Reborn is the third and final set in the Shards of Alara block. It is a 145 card expansion with randomly inserted premium cards. It will be available in booster packs, intro packs, and fat packs. Release Date: April 2009